B 204 Genomics



Prokaryotic versus eukaryotic genome structure, conservation (gene order/sequence/ structure, regulatory sequences), approaches to mapping/sequencing genomes, DNA sequencing, DNA sequencing technologies, approaches to genome annotation, SNPs, microarray technology, gene expression microarrays, antibodies, chromatin immuno¬purification, high throughput perturbation studies. Problem-solving/data-handling/critical thinking/journal-club sessions. Possible interactions with Genomics Research Core facility. Principles and technologies for generating genomic information for ecological, biomedical and biotechnological applications. Technologies will be introduced progressively, from DNA to RNA to protein to whole cell systems. The integration of biology, chemistry, engineering, and computational sciences will be stressed. Topics include: Technology for the High-throughput Sequencing, Methods for annotating genomes, characterizing functional genes, Gene Expression, Comparative Genomics, Population Genomics, Proteomic Technologies and Systems Biology.
Course period02/13/10 → …
Course level200