B 390F Epigenetics and Chromatin



The major aim of the 4 week summer block course is to train participants (max. 20) in Chromatin Biology, Epigenome Structure and Nuclear Organization to address fundamental questions in Epigenetics and Gene Regulation: not only theory but also try out in practice how cutting- edge technologies can be used to answer outstanding questions at the frontiers of research. The course is shaped according to EMBL and MPI advanced method courses for Ph.D. students. Each week will be focused on one (1) method. Highly recognized, invited instructors from abroad and Profs. Orlando and Fischle (including their laboratories staff) will introduce the technologies on the basis of discussion of basic and current work. Hands on experiments with step-by-step instructions will be carried. Note that students must be able to undertake a further 3 credits of Direct Research or Dissertation Research during the summer session to satisfy the full time registration requirements
Course period06/4/17 → …
Course level300