Review of vector algebra and calculus, coordinate transformations. Fundamental electromagnetic concepts: Maxwell’s equations, Lorentz force relation, electric and magnetic polarizations, constitutive relations, boundary conditions, Poynting theorem in real and complex forms, energy relations. Solution of the Helmholtz equation: plane, cylindrical, and spherical waves, potentials. Electromagnetic theorems: uniqueness, duality, reciprocity, equivalence and induction theorems, Huygen’s and Babinet’s principles. Guided fields: waveguides, dispersion, phase and group velocities, attenuation, inhomogeneous waveguides, resonant cavities. Antennas: elementary antennas, radiation patterns. Fundamental concepts of electromagnetics: Maxwell equations, Lorentz force relation, electric and magnetic polarizations, constitutive relations, boundary conditions, Poynting theorem in real and complex forms, energy relations. Solution of Helmholtz equation: plane, cylindrical, and spherical waves, dispersion, phase and group velocities, attenuation, wave propagation in anisotropic media. Electromagnetic theorems: uniqueness, duality, reciprocity, equivalence, and induction theorems, Huygen and Babinet principles. Guided wave propagation: mode expansions, metallic and dielectric waveguides, resonant cavities. Antennas: potentials, radiation, elementary antennas.