Heat stress induced changes in rosette size, morphology and chlorophyll fluorescence in Col-0 and hsp101 Arabidopsis plants

  • Magdalena Julkowska (Creator)
  • Ge Gao (Creator)
  • Mark Tester (Creator)



More than 70 phenotypic traits obtained from high-throughput phenotypic data of control, 3 h, 6 h and 9 h heat (45C) treated WT and hsp101 Arabidopsis rosette. The aim of this study was to determine which phenotypes reliably reflect heat stress phenotype, as well as study temporal changes induced by heat stress exposure in Col-0 and hsp101. The data from the PSI was combined and only the primary traits of the chlorophyll fluorescence were used for further analysis.
Date made availableNov 10 2019

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