Network-constrained stochastic unit commitment data sets: ACTIVSg200 and ACTIVSg2000

  • Ricardo Lima (Creator)
  • Gonzalo Constante-Flores (Creator)
  • Antonio J. Conejo (Creator)
  • Omar Knio (Creator)



    Input data files used in the computational experiments of the manuscript
    "An effective hybrid decomposition approach to solve the network-constrained
    stochastic unit commitment problem in large-scale power systems"
    Ricardo M. Lima, Gonzalo E. Constante-Flores, Antonio J. Conejo, Omar M. Knio

    The data sets were adapted from the Texas A&M University Electric Grid Datasets.
    Two cases are considered:
    1) ACTIVSg200: the Illinois 200-Bus System.
    2) ACTIVSg2000: the 2000-bus synthetic grid on the footprint of Texas

    The input files are formatted for the GAMS ( model developed.
    There are csv and GAMS files with the input data:
    1) 24 hours profile demand scenarios by node
    2) 24 hours profile wind scenarios by wind farm
    3) 24 hours profile solar scenarios by solar farm
    4) scenarios probabilities
    5) generators technical characteristics
    6) network characteristics
    7) GAMS sets
    8) GAMS dynamic sets
    9) other input data

    The solar power output scenarios were generated for each farm location based
    on their coordinates available in the case study in and on data obtained
    from the National Solar Radiation Database (
    The wind power output scenarios were generated for each farm location based
    on their coordinates available in the case study and on data obtained
    from the Wind Integration National Dataset Toolkit (
    These data was processed with the System Advisor Model scripts (
    Date made availableJul 27 2022
    PublisherKAUST Research Repository

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