Research data supporting "High-mobility, trap-free charge transport in conjugated polymer diodes"

  • Mark Nikolka (Creator)
  • Katharina Broch (Creator)
  • John Armitage (Creator)
  • David Hanifi (Creator)
  • Peer J. Nowack (Creator)
  • Deepak Venkateshvaran (Creator)
  • Aditya Sadhanala (Creator)
  • Jan Saska (Creator)
  • Mark Mascal (Creator)
  • Seok-Heon Jung (Creator)
  • Jin-Kyun Lee (Creator)
  • Iain McCulloch (Creator)
  • Alberto Salleo (Creator)
  • Henning Sirringhaus (Creator)



Origin project including all source data used for Figures 1 to 5.The Project is structured in sub-folders, with one folder dedicated to a specfic Figure of the paper. Folder 1 includes SCLC diode characteristics measured for DPP-BTz SCLC diodes with and without additives. Folder 2 includes low-temperature measurements of diodes, extracted activation energies as well as dn/DE values extracted by SCLC-spectroscopy. Folder 3 includes measured diode characteristics of IDT-BT, MEH:PPV and DPP-DTT SCLC diodes, corresponding dn/dE values and PDS spectroscopy data for these materials. The last Folder includes stability measuremtns of DPP-BTz diodes showing the evolution over 10k IV-characteristics. Any additional data from the paper (such as thoese shown in the SI or GIWAXs data) is available on request.
Date made availableSep 14 2021
PublisherApollo - University of Cambridge Repository
  • High-mobility, trap-free charge transport in conjugated polymer diodes

    Nikolka, M., Broch, K., Armitage, J., Hanifi, D., Nowack, P. J., Venkateshvaran, D., Sadhanala, A., Saska, J., Mascal, M., Jung, S.-H., Lee, J.-K., McCulloch, I., Salleo, A. & Sirringhaus, H., May 9 2019, In: Nature Communications. 10, 1

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    105 Scopus citations

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