Supplementary Material for: Observations and cloud-resolving modeling of haboob dust storms over the Arabian Peninsula

  • Anatolii Anisimov (Creator)
  • Duncan Axisa (Creator)
  • Paul A. Kucera (Creator)
  • Suleiman Mostamandi (Creator)
  • Georgiy L. Stenchikov (Creator)
  • Duncan Axisa (Creator)
  • Paul A. Kucera (Creator)
  • Suleiman Mostamandi (Creator)



    This dataset is a supplementary material for "Observations and cloud-resolving modeling of haboob dust storms over the Arabian Peninsula" paper published in JGR. The data contains WRF-Chem source code, namelist file, initial conditions, chemical emissions, a sample of input boundary conditions (for the first day of simulation) and two sample output timesteps for both WRF-Chem domains (the run without spectral nudging). This data subset is enough to test the reproducibility of the simulation. The full model output cannot be uploaded due to data size limitations, and it is available from the authors and KAUST supercomputing Laboratory.
    Date made availableJun 28 2018
    PublisherKAUST Research Repository

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