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SSDM`92 Paper Award from the organizing committee of the International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials
Ohkawa, K. (Recipient), 1992
Prize: Award or Honor › Presentation Award
State Scientific Stipend in Mathematics for Outstanding Scientists, 2000 - 2003
Moshkov, M. (Recipient), 2000
Prize: Award or Honor › Excellence Award
Statistics Departmental scholarship, Texas A&M University, 2006-2011
Sun, Y. (Recipient), 2006
Prize: Award or Honor › Early Career or Student Award
Steve W. Chaddick Fellowship, Georgia Institute of Technology
Li, X. (Recipient), 2014
Prize: Award or Honor › Fellowship
Student Scholarship, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Tempone, R. (Recipient), 1992
Prize: Award or Honor › Early Career or Student Award
Suk-Top Teaching Award from Korea University
Alouini, M.-S. (Recipient), 2008
Prize: Award or Honor › Teaching Award
Sultanate SCHEME fellowship, University of Malaya, Malaysia
Fariborzi, H. (Recipient), 2007
Prize: Award or Honor › Fellowship
Swapan Kumar Saha Memorial Award, IIT, Kharagpur
Mitra, Niloy (Recipient), 1999
Prize: Award or Honor › Excellence Award
Sylvia Esterby Presentation Award
Euan Campos, Carolina (Recipient), 2018
Prize: Award or Honor › Presentation Award
System and Technology Group “Master Inventor,” IBM
Elnozahy, E. (Recipient), 2005
Prize: Award or Honor › Excellence Award
Systems theme winner: Mohamed Abdelkader (PhD student of Prof. Christian Claudel)
Claudel, Christian (Recipient), 2014
Prize: KAUST Award › KAUST Award to Researcher's Student
TAMUQ ECEN Best Faculty Research Award 2016
Ahmed, S. (Recipient), 2016
Prize: Award or Honor › Awarded grant
TAMUQ Faculty Research Excellence Award 2016
Ahmed, S. (Recipient), 2016
Prize: Award or Honor › Excellence Award
Taylor Career Development Award from the Institute of Technology (IT) Promotion and Tenure Committee with the concurrence of the Dean of IT
Alouini, M.-S. (Recipient), 2003
Prize: Award or Honor › Awarded grant
Technical Group Award, IBM, PERCS Phase 2 execution
Elnozahy, E. (Recipient), 2006
Prize: Award or Honor › Excellence Award
Technology Venture Challenge Award, Canada
Shamim, A. (Recipient), 2009
Prize: Award or Honor › Awarded grant
The Abdel El-Shaarawi Young Researcher Award
Sun, Y. (Recipient), 2016
Prize: Award or Honor › Awarded grant
The Exploration Research Award, Pan Wen Yuan Foundation
He, Jr-Hau (Recipient), 2008
Prize: Award or Honor › Awarded grant
The first DST/NRF South African National Research (Tier 1) Chair in Bioinformatics and Human Health
Bajic, Vladimir (Recipient), 2007
Prize: Award or Honor › Awarded grant
The paper "A Stochastic Analog of Aubry-Mather theory", Nonlinearity, 15 no. 3 (2002), pp. 581-603, was selected for inclusion in the IOP Select
Gomes, D. (Recipient), 2002
Prize: Award or Honor › Best Article Award
The Ralph Budd Award for the best Ph.D. thesis, Rice University
Elnozahy, E. (Recipient), 1994
Prize: Award or Honor › Early Career or Student Award
The XXIX General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science URSI Young Scientist Award
Bagci, H. (Recipient), 2008
Prize: Award or Honor › Excellence Award
Top Innovator Award from MIT Tech Review for PhD student Ahmed Alfadhel
Kosel, Jurgen (Recipient), 2016
Prize: Scientific Recognition › External Award to Researcher's Student
Top Paper 2015, Applied Physics Letters
Hussain, M. M. (Recipient), 2016
Prize: Award or Honor › Best Article Award
Trailblazer Award, University of Texas at Austin
Elnozahy, E. (Recipient), 2003
Prize: Award or Honor › Excellence Award
Transportation Research Board of the National Academies Best Paper Award
Sun, Y. (Recipient), 2011
Prize: Award or Honor › Best Article Award
Travel fellowship, ISMB2009, Sweden
Gao, X. (Recipient), 2009
Prize: Scientific Recognition › Travel Grant
Travel fellowship, RECOMB2008, Singapore
Gao, X. (Recipient), 2008
Prize: Scientific Recognition › Travel Grant
Travel fellowship (Xuefeng Cui, my post-doc), ISMB2015, Ireland
Gao, X. (Recipient), 2015
Prize: Scientific Recognition › Travel Grant
Trends in Nanotechnology 2004 conference "Best Poster Awards"
Li, X. (Recipient), 2004
Prize: Award or Honor › Presentation Award
TSMC Fab5 Excellent Engineering Contribution Prize
Li, X. (Recipient), 1999
Prize: Award or Honor › Early Career or Student Award
Turing Fellow of the Alan Turing Institute
Richtarik, P. (Recipient), 2016
Prize: Award or Honor › Learned Society
Two Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) grants
Alouini, M.-S. (Recipient), 2012
Prize: Award or Honor › Awarded grant
U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security Fellow, 2004-2006
Ketcheson, D. I. (Recipient), 2004
Prize: Award or Honor › Awarded grant
U.S. DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellow, 2006-2008
Ketcheson, D. I. (Recipient), 2006
Prize: Award or Honor › Awarded grant
UBC Charles A. McDowell Award for Excellence in Research
Heidrich, W. (Recipient), 2011
Prize: Award or Honor › Excellence Award
UBC Computer Science Incredible Instructor Award
Heidrich, W. (Recipient), 2003
Prize: Award or Honor › Teaching Award
UCLA Chancellor's Award for Postdoctoral Research (Finalist)
Sundaramoorthi, Ganesh (Recipient), 2010
Prize: Award or Honor › Awarded grant
University of Texas Charles Elmer Rowe Fellowship in Engineering
Shamma, J. S. (Recipient), 1998
Prize: Award or Honor › Fellowship
URSI Young Scientist Award for Mohamed A. Salem (Postdoctoral Fellow)
Bagci, H. (Recipient), 2011
Prize: Scientific Recognition › External Award to Researcher's Student
Vice Chair, and Chair of the Subcommittee on Distributed Operating Systems, the IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, May 1999
Elnozahy, E. (Recipient), 1999
Prize: Academic Service › Conference Organization
Vice-Chair, IEEE Technical Committee on Fault-Tolerant Computing (IEEE TC-FTC), 2005-2006
Elnozahy, E. (Recipient), 2005
Prize: Academic Service › Expert Board
Visiting Professor at the Institute for Scientific Computation, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX (2003, 2004, 2005)
Wittum, G. (Recipient), 2003
Prize: Scientific Recognition › Visiting Scholar
White House Advisory Panel on the Future of Landmine Research
Carin, L. (Recipient), 2002
Prize: Academic Service › Expert Board