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Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Rsearchers
Li, X. (Recipient), 2011
Prize: Award or Honor › Fellowship
IBM Graduate Fellowship for three years (1990-1993)
Elnozahy, E. (Recipient), 1990
Prize: Award or Honor › Fellowship
ICES Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Texas, 2003– 2005
Tempone, R. (Recipient), 2003
Prize: Award or Honor › Fellowship
IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, 2016 - 2018
Alouini, M.-S. (Recipient), 2016
Prize: Award or Honor › Excellence Award
IEEE Education Society Chapter Achievement Award (Presented to the Gulf Chapter Officers)
Al-Naffouri, T. (Recipient), 2008
Prize: Award or Honor › Excellence Award
IEEE Electron Devices Society Distinguished Lecturer for 2013 and 2014
Hussain, M. M. (Recipient), 2012
Prize: Award or Honor › Distinguished Lecturer
IEEE ISSCC Student-Research Preview (SRP) Award
Fariborzi, H. (Recipient), 2013
Prize: Award or Honor › Early Career or Student Award
IEEE Region 5 Outstanding Individual Achievement Award 2015
Hussain, M. M. (Recipient), 2016
Prize: Award or Honor › Excellence Award
IEEE Technical Committee leadership (2005-2008)
Elnozahy, E. (Recipient), 2005
Prize: Award or Honor › Excellence Award
IEEE Wireless Communication Letters (WCL) top editor award
Kammoun, A. (Recipient), 2018
Prize: Award or Honor › Excellence Award
Imran Shafique Ansari (PhD student) Richard E. Merwin Scholarship
Alouini, M.-S. (Recipient), 2013
Prize: Scientific Recognition › External Award to Researcher's Student
Inaugural KAUST Investigator Award
Markowich, P. (Recipient), 2008
Prize: KAUST Award › KAUST Prize or Distinction
Inaugural Texas A&M University at Qatar Faculty Excellence Award
Alouini, M.-S. (Recipient), 2009
Prize: Award or Honor › Excellence Award
Incubic/Milton Chang Travel Grant Award to Chao Shen to travel to CLEO 2016, San Francisco
Ooi, B. (Recipient), 2016
Prize: Scientific Recognition › External Award to Researcher's Student
Initiative: created the new conference, SIGGRAPH in Asia
Rockwood, Alyn (Recipient), 2013
Prize: Academic Service › Conference Organization
Institute Proficiency Prize for Best Project, IIT, Kharagpur
Mitra, Niloy (Recipient), 1999
Prize: Award or Honor › Excellence Award
Intel International Science & Engineering Fair, 3rd Prize, Student involved: Hisham Al-Falih
Ooi, B. (Recipient), 2012
Prize: Scientific Recognition › External Award to Researcher's Student
International Advisory Board Member, University Tunku Abdullah Rahman (UTAR), Malaysia
Ooi, B. (Recipient), 2009
Prize: Academic Service › Expert Board
Invitation Fellowship at Kyoto University
Markowich, P. (Recipient), 2016
Prize: Award or Honor › Fellowship
Invited as a RIKEN Visiting Scientist in 2005 and 2006
Bajic, Vladimir (Recipient), 2005
Prize: Scientific Recognition › Visiting Scholar
Invited Guest Editor - IEEE Trans. Geoscience Remote Sensing
Carin, L. (Recipient), Jun 2001
Prize: Academic Service › Editorial Work
Invited Guest Editor - Radio Science
Carin, L. (Recipient), 2003
Prize: Academic Service › Editorial Work
Invited Lecture (45 min) at the ICM 2010
Markowich, P. (Recipient), 2010
Prize: Award or Honor › Invited Speaker
Invited Participant, Arab-American Frontiers of Science, Engineering and Medical Science Symposium
Hussain, M. M. (Recipient), 2016
Prize: Scientific Recognition › Other Achievement
Invited Researcher at Micro Modules Group, VTT Electronics, Finland
Shamim, A. (Recipient), 2006
Prize: Scientific Recognition › Visiting Scholar
Invited speaker, NSF Workshop on Data Intensive Computing: “Reliability Issues in Data Intensive Computing,” July 2009
Elnozahy, E. (Recipient), 2009
Prize: Award or Honor › Invited Speaker
Invited Speaker, TEDx Saudi Arabia, KAUST, Saudi Arabia 2017
Hussain, M. M. (Recipient), 2016
Prize: Award or Honor › Invited Speaker
Invited talk: “PERCS: IBM Effort in HPCS,” LCPC 2003: The 16th International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, October 2003
Elnozahy, E. (Recipient), 2003
Prize: Award or Honor › Invited Speaker
Irwin Mark Jacobs presidential fellowship award, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Fariborzi, H. (Recipient), 2008
Prize: Award or Honor › Fellowship