
Search results

  • 2021

    Terahertz Massive MIMO with Holographic Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces

    Wan, Z., Gao, Z., Gao, F., Renzo, M. D. & Alouini, M.-S., 2021, In: IEEE Transactions on Communications. p. 1-1 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    189 Scopus citations
  • Terahertz Ultra-Massive MIMO-Based Aeronautical Communications in Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks

    Liao, A., Gao, Z., Wang, D., Wang, H., Yin, H., Ng, D. W. K. & Alouini, M.-S., 2021, In: IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. p. 1-1 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    66 Scopus citations
  • TeraMIMO: A Channel Simulator for Wideband Ultra-Massive MIMO Terahertz Communications

    Tarboush, S., Sarieddeen, H., Chen, H., Loukil, M. H., Jemaa, H., Alouini, M.-S. & Al-Naffouri, T. Y., 2021, In: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. p. 1-1 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    70 Scopus citations
  • The 2021 flexible and printed electronics roadmap

    Bonnassieux, Y., Brabec, C. J., Cao, Y., Carmichael, T. B., Chabinyc, M. L., Cheng, K. T., Cho, G., Chung, A., Cobb, C. L., Distler, A., Egelhaaf, H. J., Grau, G., Guo, X., Haghiashtiani, G., Huang, T. C., Hussain, M. M., Iniguez, B., Lee, T. M., Li, L. & Ma, Y. & 14 others, Ma, D., McAlpine, M. C., Ng, T. N., Österbacka, R., Patel, S. N., Peng, J., Peng, H., Rivnay, J., Shao, L., Steingart, D., Street, R. A., Subramanian, V., Torsi, L. & Wu, Y., May 17 2021, In: Flexible and Printed Electronics. 6, 2, p. 023001

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    133 Scopus citations
  • The Arab world prepares the exascale workforce

    Keyes, D. E., Apr 2021, In: Communications of the ACM. 64, 4, p. 82-87 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    1 Scopus citations
  • The criteria in above-bandgap photo-irradiation in molecular beam epitaxy growth of heterostructure of dissimilar growth temperature

    Park, K., Min, J.-W., Park, G. C., Lopatin, S., Ooi, B. S. & Alberi, K., Aug 25 2021, In: Applied Surface Science. 569, p. 151067

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    2 Scopus citations
  • The effect of community-driven larval source management and house improvement on malaria transmission when added to the standard malaria control strategies in Malawi: a cluster-randomized controlled trial.

    McCann, R. S., Kabaghe, A. N., Moraga, P., Gowelo, S., Mburu, M. M., Tizifa, T., Chipeta, M. G., Nkhono, W., Di Pasquale, A., Maire, N., Manda-Taylor, L., Mzilahowa, T., van den Berg, H., Diggle, P. J., Terlouw, D. J., Takken, W., van Vugt, M. & Phiri, K. S., May 23 2021, In: Malaria Journal. 20, 1

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    23 Scopus citations
  • The emergence and transmission of COVID-19 in European countries, 2019–2020: a comprehensive review of timelines, cases and containment

    Al-Salem, W., Moraga, P., Ghazi, H., Madad, S. & Hotez, P. J., Jul 31 2021, In: International Health. 13, 5, p. 383-398 16 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    21 Scopus citations
  • The genome of the zoonotic malaria parasite Plasmodium simium reveals adaptations to host switching

    Mourier, T., de Alvarenga, D. A. M., Kaushik, A., de Pina-Costa, A., Douvropoulou, O., Guan, Q., Guzmán-Vega, F. J., Forrester, S., de Abreu, F. V. S., Júnior, C. B., de Souza Junior, J. C., Moreira, S. B., Hirano, Z. M. B., Pissinatti, A., Ferreira-da-Cruz, M. D. F., de Oliveira, R. L., Arold, S. T., Jeffares, D. C., Brasil, P. & de Brito, C. F. A. & 3 others, Culleton, R., Daniel-Ribeiro, C. T. & Pain, A., Oct 1 2021, In: BMC Biology. 19, 1

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    25 Scopus citations
  • The global burden of adolescent and young adult cancer in 2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

    Alvarez, E. M., Force, L. M., Xu, R., Compton, K., Lu, D., Henrikson, H. J., Kocarnik, J. M., Harvey, J. D., Pennini, A., Dean, F. E., Fu, W., Vargas, M. T., Keegan, T. H. M., Ariffin, H., Barr, R. D., Erdomaeva, Y. A., Gunasekera, D. S., John-Akinola, Y. O., Ketterl, T. G. & Kutluk, T. & 706 others, Malogolowkin, M. H., Mathur, P., Radhakrishnan, V., Ries, L. A. G., Rodriguez-Galindo, C., Sagoyan, G. B., Sultan, I., Abbasi, B., Abbasi-Kangevari, M., Abbasi-Kangevari, Z., Abbastabar, H., Abdelmasseh, M., Abd-Elsalam, S., Abdoli, A., Abebe, H., Abedi, A., Abidi, H., Abolhassani, H., Ali, H. A., Abu-Gharbieh, E., Achappa, B., Acuna, J. M., Adedeji, I. A., Adegboye, O. A., Adnani, Q. E. S., Advani, S. M., Afzal, M. S., Meybodi, M. A., Ahadinezhad, B., Ahinkorah, B. O., Ahmad, S., Ahmadi, S., Ahmed, M. B., Rashid, T. A., Salih, Y. A., Aiman, W., Akalu, G. T., Al Hamad, H., Alahdab, F., AlAmodi, A. A., Alanezi, F. M., Alanzi, T. M., Alem, A. Z., Alem, D. T., Alemayehu, Y., Alhalaiqa, F. N., Alhassan, R. K., Ali, S., Alicandro, G., Alipour, V., Aljunid, S. M., Alkhayyat, M., Alluri, S., Almasri, N. A., Al-Maweri, S. A., Almustanyir, S., Al-Raddadi, R. M., Alvis-Guzman, N., Ameyaw, E. K., Amini, S., Amu, H., Ancuceanu, R., Andrei, C. L., Andrei, T., Ansari, F., Ansari-Moghaddam, A., Anvari, D., Anyasodor, A. E., Arabloo, J., Arab-Zozani, M., Argaw, A. M., Arshad, M., Arulappan, J., Aryannejad, A., Asemi, Z., Jafarabadi, M. A., Atashzar, M. R., Atorkey, P., Atreya, A., Attia, S., Aujayeb, A., Ausloos, M., Avila-Burgos, L., Awedew, A. F., Quintanilla, B. P. A., Ayele, A. D., Ayen, S. S., Azab, M. A., Azadnajafabad, S., Azami, H., Azangou-Khyavy, M., Jafari, A. A., Azarian, G., Azzam, A. Y., Bahadory, S., Bai, J., Baig, A. A., Baker, J. L., Banach, M., Barnighausen, T. W., Barone-Adesi, F., Barra, F., Barrow, A., Basaleem, H., Batiha, A.-M. M., Behzadifar, M., Bekele, N. C., Belete, R., Belgaumi, U. I., Bell, A. W., Berhie, A. Y., Bhagat, D. S., Bhagavathula, A. S., Bhardwaj, N., Bhardwaj, P., Bhaskar, S., Bhattacharyya, K., Bhojaraja, V. S., Bibi, S., Bijani, A., Biondi, A., Birara, S., Bjorge, T., Bolarinwa, O. A., Bolla, S. R., Boloor, A., Braithwaite, D., Brenner, H., Bulamu, N. B., Burkart, K., Bustamante-Teixeira, M. T., Butt, N. S., Butt, Z. A., dos Santos, F. L. C., Cao, C., Cao, Y., Carreras, G., Catala-Lopez, F., Cembranel, F., Cerin, E., Chakinala, R. C., Chakraborty, P. A., Chattu, V. K., Chaturvedi, P., Chaurasia, A., Chavan, P. P., Chimed-Ochir, O., Choi, J.-Y. J., Christopher, D. J., Chu, D.-T., Chung, M. T., Conde, J., Costa, V. M., Daar, O. B., Dadras, O., Dahlawi, S. M. A., Dai, X., Damiani, G., Amico, E. D., Dandona, L., Dandona, R., Daneshpajouhnejad, P., Darwish, A. H., Daryani, A., De la Hoz, F. P., Debela, S. A., Demie, T. G. G., Demissie, G. D., Demissie, Z. G., Denova-Gutierrez, E., Molla, M. D., Desai, R., Desta, A. A., Dhamnetiya, D., Dharmaratne, S. D., Dhimal, M. L., Dhimal, M., Dianatinasab, M., Didehdar, M., Diress, M., Djalalinia, S., Do, H. P., Doaei, S., Dorostkar, F., dos Santos, W. M., Drake, T. M., Ekholuenetale, M., El Sayed, I., Zaki, M. E. S., El Tantawi, M., El-Abid, H., Elbahnasawy, M. A., Elbarazi, I., Elhabashy, H. R., Elhadi, M., El-Jaafary, S., Enyew, D. B., Erkhembayar, R., Eshrati, B., Eskandarieh, S., Faisaluddin, M., Fares, J., Farooque, U., Fasanmi, A. O., Fatima, W., Ferreira de Oliveira, J. M. P., Ferrero, S., Desideri, L. F., Fetensa, G., Filip, I., Fischer, F., Fisher, J. L., Foroutan, M., Fukumoto, T., Gaal, P. A., Gad, M. M., Gaewkhiew, P., Gallus, S., Garg, T., Gemeda, B. N. B., Getachew, T., Ghafourifard, M., Ghamari, S.-H., Ghashghaee, A., Ghassemi, F., Ghith, N., Gholami, A., Navashenaq, J. G., Gilani, S. A., Ginindza, T. G., Gizaw, A. T., Glasbey, J. C., Goel, A., Golechha, M., Goleij, P., Golinelli, D., Gopalani, S. V., Gorini, G., Goudarzi, H., Goulart, B. N. G., Grada, A., Gubari, M. I. M., Guerra, M. R., Guha, A., Gupta, B., Gupta, S., Gupta, V. B., Gupta, V. K., Haddadi, R., Hafezi-Nejad, N., Hailu, A., Haj-Mirzaian, A., Halwani, R., Hamadeh, R. R., Hambisa, M. T., Hameed, S., Hamidi, S., Haque, S., Hariri, S., Haro, J. M., Hasaballah, A., Hasan, S. M. M., Hashemi, S. M., Hassan, T. S., Hassanipour, S., Hay, S., Hayat, K., Hebo, S. H., Heidari, G., Heidari, M., Herrera-Serna, B. Y., Herteliu, C., Heyi, D. Z., Hezam, K., Hole, M. K., Holla, R., Horita, N., Hossain, M. M., Hossain, M. B., Hosseini, M., Hosseinzadeh, A., Hosseinzadeh, M., Hostiuc, M., Hostiuc, S., Househ, M., Hsairi, M., Huang, J., Hussein, N. R., Hwang, B.-F., Ibitoye, S. E., Ilesanmi, O. S., Ilic, I. M., Ilic, M. D., Innos, K., Irham, L. M., Islam, R. M., Islam, S. M. S., Ismail, N. E., Isola, G., Iwagami, M., Jacob, L., Jadidi-Niaragh, F., Jain, V., Jakovljevic, M., Janghorban, R., Mamaghani, A. J., Jayaram, S., Jayawardena, R., Jazayeri, S. B., Jebai, R., Jha, R. P., Joo, T., Joseph, N., Joukar, F., Jurisson, M., Kaambwa, B., Kabir, A., Kalankesh, L. R., Kaliyadan, F., Kamal, Z., Kamath, A., Kandel, H., Kar, S. S., Karaye, I. M., Karimi, A., Kassa, B. G., Kauppila, J. H., Bohan, P. M. K., Kengne, A. P., Kerbo, A. A., Keykhaei, M., Khader, Y. S., Khajuria, H., Khalili, N., Khan, E. A., Khan, G., Khan, M., Khan, M. N., Khan, M. A. B., Khanali, J., Khayamzadeh, M., Khosravizadeh, O., Khubchandani, J., Khundkar, R., Kim, M. S., Kim, Y. J., Kisa, A., Kisa, S., Kissimova-Skarbek, K., Kolahi, A.-A., Kopec, J. A., Koteeswaran, R., Laxminarayana, S. L. K., Koyanagi, A., Kugbey, N., Kumar, G. A., Kumar, N., Kwarteng, A., La Vecchia, C., Lan, Q., Landires, I., Lasrado, S., Lauriola, P., Ledda, C., Lee, S.-W., Lee, W.-C., Lee, Y. Y., Lee, Y. H., Leigh, J., Leong, E., Li, B., Li, J., Li, M.-C., Lim, S. S., Liu, X., Lobo, S. W., Loureiro, J. A., Lugo, A., Lunevicius, R., Abd El Razek, H. M., Razek, M. M. A. E., Mahmoudi, M., Majeed, A., Makki, A., Male, S., Malekpour, M.-R., Malekzadeh, R., Malik, A. A., Mamun, M. A., Manafi, N., Mansour-Ghanaei, F., Mansouri, B., Mansournia, M. A., Martini, S., Masoumi, S. Z., Matei, C. N., Mathur, M. R., McAlinden, C., Mehrotra, R., Mendoza, W., Menezes, R. G., Mentis, A.-F. A., Meretoja, T. J., Mersha, A. G., Mesregah, M. K., Mestrovic, T., Jonasson, J. M., Miazgowski, B., Michalek, I. M., Miller, T. R., Mingude, A. B., Mirmoeeni, S., Mirzaei, H., Misra, S., Mithra, P., Mohammad, K. A., Mohammadi, M., Mohammadi, S. M., Mohammadian-Hafshejani, A., Mohammadpourhodki, R., Mohammed, A., Mohammed, S., Mohammed, T. A., Moka, N., Mokdad, A. H., Molokhia, M., Momtazmanesh, S., Monasta, L., Moni, M. A., Moradi, G., Moradi, Y., Moradzadeh, M., Moradzadeh, R., Moraga, P., Morrison, S. D., Mostafavi, E., Khaneghah, A. M., Mpundu-Kaambwa, C., Mubarik, S., Mwanri, L., Nabhan, A. F., Nagaraju, S. P., Nagata, C., Naghavi, M., Naimzada, M. D., Naldi, L., Nangia, V., Naqvi, A. A., Swamy, S. N., Narayana, A. I., Nayak, B. P., Nayak, V. C., Nazari, J., Nduaguba, S. O., Negoi, I., Negru, S. M., Nejadghaderi, S. A., Nepal, S., Kandel, S. N., Nggada, H. A., Nguyen, C. T., Nnaji, C. A., Nosrati, H., Nouraei, H., Nowroozi, A., Nunez-Samudio, V., Nwatah, V. E., Nzoputam, C. I., Oancea, B., Odukoya, O. O., Oguntade, A. S., Oh, I.-H., Olagunju, A. T., Olagunju, T. O., Olakunde, B. O., Oluwasanu, M. M., Omar, E., Bali, A. O., Ong, S., Onwujekwe, O. E., Ortega-Altamirano, D., Otstavnov, N., Otstavnov, S. S., Oumer, B., Owolabi, M. O., Mahesh, P. A., Padron-Monedero, A., Padubidri, J. R., Pakshir, K., Pana, A., Pandey, A., Pardhan, S., Kan, F. P., Pasovic, M., Patel, J. R., Pati, S., Pattanshetty, S. M., Paudel, U., Pereira, R. B., Peres, M. F. P., Perianayagam, A., Postma, M. J., Pourjafar, H., Pourshams, A., Prashant, A., Pulakunta, T., Qadir, M. M. F. F., Rabiee, M., Rabiee, N., Radfar, A., Radhakrishnan, R. A., Rafiee, A., Rafiei, A., Rafiei, S., Rahim, F., Rahimzadeh, S., Rahman, M., Rahman, M. A., Rahmani, A. M., Rajesh, A., Ramezani-Doroh, V., Ranabhat, K., Ranasinghe, P., Rao, C. R., Rao, S. J., Rashedi, S., Rashidi, M.-M., Rath, G. K., Rawaf, D. L., Rawaf, S., Rawal, L., Rawassizadeh, R., Razeghinia, M. S., Regasa, M. T., Renzaho, A. M. N., Rezaei, M., Rezaei, N., Rezaeian, M., Rezapour, A., Rezazadeh-Khadem, S., Riad, A., Lopez, L. E. R., Rodriguez, J. A. B., Ronfani, L., Roshandel, G., Rwegerera, G. M., Saber-Ayad, M. M., Sabour, S., Saddik, B., Sadeghi, E., Sadeghian, S., Saeed, U., Sahebkar, A., Saif-Ur-Rahman, K. M., Sajadi, S. M., Salahi, S., Salehi, S., Salem, M. R., Salimzadeh, H., Samy, A. M., Sanabria, J., Sanmarchi, F., Sarveazad, A., Sathian, B., Sawhney, M., Sawyer, S. M., Saylan, M., Schneider, I. J. C., Seidu, A.-A., Ekerija, M. A., Sendo, E. G., Sepanlou, S. G., Seylani, A., Seyoum, K., Sha, F., Shafaat, O., Shaikh, M. A., Shamsoddin, E., Shannawaz, M., Sharma, R., Sheikhbahaei, S., Shetty, A., Shetty, B. S. K., Shetty, P. H., Shin, J. I., Shirkoohi, R., Shivakumar, K. M., Shobeiri, P., Siabani, S., Sibhat, M. M., Malleshappa, S. K. S., Sidemo, N. B., Silva, D. A. S., Julian, G. S., Singh, A. D., Singh, J. A., Singh, J. K., Singh, S., Sinke, A. H., Sintayehu, Y., Skryabin, V. Y., Skryabina, A. A., Smith, L., Sofi-Mahmudi, A., Soltani-Zangbar, M. S., Song, S., Spurlock, E. E., Steiropoulos, P., Straif, K., Subedi, R., Sufiyan, M. B., Abdulkader, R. S., Sultana, S., Szerencses, V., Szocska, M., Tabaeian, S. P., Tabaras-Seisdedos, R., Tabary, M., Tabuchi, T., Tadbiri, H., Taheri, M., Taherkhani, A., Takahashi, K., Tampa, M., Tan, K.-K., Tat, V. Y., Tavakoli, A., Tbakhi, A., Tehrani-Banihashemi, A., Temsah, M.-H., Tesfay, F. H., Tesfaye, B., Thakur, J. S., Thapar, R., Thavamani, A., Thiyagarajan, A., Thomas, N., Tobe-Gai, R., Togtmol, M., Tohidast, S. A., Tohidinik, H. R., Tolani, M. A., Tollosa, D. N., Touvier, M., Tovani-Palone, M. R., Traini, E., Tran, B. X., Tran, M. T. N., Tripathy, J. P., Tusa, B. S., Ukke, G. G., Ullah, I., Ullah, S., Umapathi, K. K., Unnikrishnan, B., Upadhyay, E., Ushula, T. W., Vacante, M., Tahbaz, S. V., Varthya, S. B., Veroux, M., Villeneuve, P. J., Violante, F. S., Vlassov, V., Vu, G. T., Waheed, Y., Wang, N., Ward, P., Weldesenbet, A. B., Wen, Y. F., Westerman, R., Winkler, A. S., Wubishet, B. L., Xu, S., Jabbari, S. H. Y., Yang, L., Yaya, S., Yazdi-Feyzabadi, V., Yazie, T. S., Yehualashet, S. S., Yeshaneh, A., Yeshaw, Y., Yirdaw, B. W., Yonemoto, N., Younis, M. Z., Yousefi, Z., Yu, C., Yunusa, I., Zadnik, V., Zahir, M., Moghadam, T. Z., Zamani, M., Zamanian, M., Zandian, H., Zare, F., Zastrozhin, M. S., Zastrozhina, A., Zhang, J., Zhang, Z.-J., Ziapour, A., Zoladl, M., Murray, C. J. L., Fitzmaurice, C., Bleyer, A., Bhakta, N. & Gebremeskel, T. G., Dec 29 2021, In: LANCET ONCOLOGY. 23, 1, p. 27-52 26 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    150 Scopus citations
  • The impact of vertical salinity gradient on non-line-of-sight underwater optical wireless communication

    Sait, M., Guo, Y., Alkhazragi, O., Kong, M., Ng, T. K. & Ooi, B. S., 2021, In: IEEE Photonics Journal.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    14 Scopus citations
  • The influence of depth-varying elastic properties of the upper plate on megathrust earthquake rupture dynamics and tsunamigenesis

    Prada, M., Galvez, P., Ampuero, J.-P., Sallarès, V., Sánchez-Linares, C., Macias, J. & Peter, D., Nov 6 2021, In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    13 Scopus citations
  • The influence of the synthesis conditions on the magnetic behaviour of the densely packed arrays of Ni nanowires in porous anodic alumina membranes

    Vorobjova, A., Tishkevich, D., Shimanovich, D., Zubar, T., Astapovich, K., Kozlovskiy, A., Zdorovets, M., Zhaludkevich, A., Lyakhov, D., Michels, D., Vinnik, D., Fedosyuk, V. & Trukhanov, A., Jan 21 2021, In: RSC ADVANCES. 11, 7, p. 3952-3962 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    45 Scopus citations
  • 59 Scopus citations
  • The large time profile for Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equations

    Gomes, D. A., Mitake, H. & Tran, H. V., Nov 30 2021, In: Mathematische Annalen.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • The modulation of Indian summer monsoon onset processes during ENSO through equatorward migration of the subtropical jet stream

    Choudhury, D., Nath, D. & Chen, W., Jul 2021, In: Climate Dynamics. 57, 1-2, p. 141-152 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    11 Scopus citations
  • The Negative Binomial Process: A Tractable Model with Composite Likelihood-Based Inference

    Barreto-Souza, W. & Ombao, H., Mar 24 2021, In: Scandinavian Journal of Statistics.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    3 Scopus citations
  • The NLMS is Steady-State Schur-Convex

    Ali, A., Moinuddin, M. & Al-Naffouri, T. Y., 2021, In: IEEE Signal Processing Letters. p. 1-1 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    3 Scopus citations
  • The Optimal and the Greedy: Drone Association and Positioning Schemes for Internet of UAVs

    Hammouti, H. E., Hamza, D. R., Shihada, B., Alouini, M.-S. & Shamma, J. S., 2021, In: IEEE Internet of Things Journal. p. 1-1 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    32 Scopus citations
  • Theoretical Study of Field-Free Switching in PMA-MTJ Using Combined Injection of STT and SOT Currents

    wasef, S. & Fariborzi, H., Oct 31 2021, In: Micromachines. 12, 11, p. 1345

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    3 Scopus citations
  • Theory and experimental verification of configurable computing with stochastic memristors.

    Naous, R., Siemon, A., Schulten, M., Alahmadi, H., Kindsmüller, A., Lübben, M., Heittmann, A., Waser, R., Salama, K. N. & Menzel, S., Feb 19 2021, In: Scientific reports. 11, 1

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    16 Scopus citations
  • The PetscSF Scalable Communication Layer

    Zhang, J., Brown, J., Balay, S., Faibussowitsch, J., Knepley, M., Marin, O., Mills, R. T., Munson, T., Smith, B. F. & Zampini, S., 2021, In: IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. p. 1-1 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    16 Scopus citations
  • 41 Scopus citations
  • The Role of UAV-IoT Networks in Future Wildfire Detection

    Bushnaq, O. M., Chaaban, A. & Al-Naffouri, T. Y., 2021, In: IEEE Internet of Things Journal.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    111 Scopus citations
  • The science of harnessing light’s darkness

    Bogdanov, A. A., Fratalocchi, A. & Kivshar, Y., Nov 12 2021, In: Nanophotonics.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    4 Scopus citations
  • The Solution of the Problem of Scattering by a Semitransparent Half-Plane Using the Malyuzhinets Method

    Klionovski, K. & Bankov, S. E., Apr 30 2021, In: Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 66, 4, p. 391-396 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    2 Scopus citations
  • The soundscape of the Anthropocene ocean

    Duarte, C. M., Chapuis, L., Collin, S. P., Costa, D. P., Devassy, R. P., Eguíluz, V. M., Erbe, C., Gordon, T. A. C., Halpern, B. S., Harding, H. R., Havlik, M.-N., Meekan, M., Merchant, N. D., Miksis-Olds, J. L., Parsons, M., Predragovic, M., Radford, A. N., Radford, C. A., Simpson, S. D. & Slabbekoorn, H. & 5 others, Staaterman, E., Van Opzeeland, I. C., Winderen, J., Zhang, X. & Juanes, F., Feb 4 2021, In: Science. 371, 6529, p. eaba4658

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    447 Scopus citations
  • The Transport Behavior of a Biflagellated Microswimmer before and after Cargo Loading

    Teng, X. J., Ng, W. M., Chong, W. H., Chan, D. J. C., Mohamud, R., Ooi, B. S., Guo, C., Liu, C. & Lim, J., Aug 3 2021, In: LANGMUIR. 37, 30, p. 9192-9201 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    8 Scopus citations
  • Thin-Volume Visualization on Curved Domains

    Herter, F., Hege, H.-C., Hadwiger, M., Lepper, V. & Baum, D., Jun 29 2021, In: Computer Graphics Forum. 40, 3, p. 147-157 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    1 Scopus citations
  • Three-Dimensional Electromagnetic Void Space

    Xu, C., Chu, H., Luo, J., Hang, Z. H., Wu, Y. & Lai, Y., Sep 17 2021, In: Physical Review Letters. 127, 12

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    28 Scopus citations
  • Ti3C2/-Ga2O3 Schottky Self-powered Solar-blind Photodetector with Robust Responsivity

    Yan, Z.-Y., Li, S., Liu, Z., Liu, W.-J., Qiao, F., Li, P., Tang, X., Li, X.-H., Yue, J.-Y., Guo, Y.-F. & Tang, W.-H., Nov 4 2021, In: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 28, 2: Optical Detectors, p. 1-1 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    31 Scopus citations
  • Tight Mutual Information Estimation With Contrastive Fenchel-Legendre Optimization

    Guo, Q., Chen, J., Wang, D., Yang, Y., Deng, X., Carin, L., Li, F. & Tao, C., 2021, In: CoRR. abs/2107.01131

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Time scale observability and constructibility of linear dynamic equations

    Ben Nasser, B., Djemai, M., Defoort, M. & Laleg-Kirati, T.-M., Mar 25 2021, In: International Journal of Control. p. 1-11 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    1 Scopus citations
  • Time scale reachability and controllability of time-varying linear systems

    Ben Nasser, B., Djemai, M., Defoort, M. & Laleg-Kirati, T.-M., Dec 21 2021, In: Asian Journal of Control.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    1 Scopus citations
  • Time scale state feedback h-stabilisation of linear systems under Lipschitz-type disturbances

    Ben Nasser, B., Djemai, M., Defoort, M. & Laleg-Kirati, T.-M., Feb 8 2021, In: International Journal of Systems Science. p. 1-11 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    3 Scopus citations
  • Time-Wise Attention Aided Convolutional Neural Network for Data-Driven Cellular Traffic Prediction

    Shen, W., Zhang, H., Guo, S. & Zhang, C., 2021, In: IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. p. 1-1 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    35 Scopus citations
  • Tissue Specificity based Isoform Function Prediction

    Yu, G., Huang, Q., Zhang, X., Guo, M. & Wang, J., 2021, In: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. p. 1-1 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    2 Scopus citations
  • Toward automatic subsea operations using real-time underwater optical wireless sensor networks

    Kong, M., Guo, Y., Sait, M., Alkhazragi, O., Kang, C. H., Ng, T. K. & Ooi, B. S., 2021, In: IEEE Photonics Journal. p. 1-1 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    14 Scopus citations
  • Toward Collaborative Mobile Crowdsourcing

    Hamrouni, A., Alelyani, T., Ghazzai, H. & Massoud, Y., Jun 2021, In: IEEE Internet of Things Magazine. 4, 2, p. 88-94 7 p., 9474925.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    18 Scopus citations
  • Toward Large-Scale Ga2O3 Membranes via Quasi-Van Der Waals Epitaxy on Epitaxial Graphene Layers

    Min, J.-H., Li, K.-H., Kim, Y.-H., Min, J., Kang, C. H., Kim, K.-H., Lee, J.-S., Lee, K. J., Jeong, S.-M., Lee, D.-S., Bae, S.-Y., Ng, T. K. & Ooi, B. S., Mar 12 2021, In: ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    23 Scopus citations
  • Toward nanotechnology-enabled face masks against SARS-CoV-2 and pandemic respiratory diseases.

    Elatab, N., Mishra, R. B. & Hussain, M. M., Nov 2 2021, In: Nanotechnology. 33, 6, p. 062006

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    16 Scopus citations
  • Toward performance-portable PETSc for GPU-based exascale systems

    Mills, R. T., Adams, M. F., Balay, S., Brown, J., Dener, A., Knepley, M., Kruger, S. E., Morgan, H., Munson, T., Rupp, K., Smith, B. F., Zampini, S., Zhang, H. & Zhang, J., Sep 10 2021, In: Parallel Computing. 108, p. 102831

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    24 Scopus citations
  • Towards a low cost fully integrated IGZO TFT NO2 detection and quantification: A solution-processed approach

    Vijjapu, M. T., Surya, S. G., Zalte, M., Yuvaraja, S., Baghini, M. S. & Salama, K. N., Jan 9 2021, In: Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 331, p. 129450

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    19 Scopus citations
  • Towards an End-to-End Analysis and Prediction System for Weather, Climate, and Marine Applications in the Red Sea

    Hoteit, I., Abualnaja, Y., Afzal, S., Ait-El-Fquih, B., Akylas, T., Antony, C., Dawson, C., Asfahani, K., Brewin, R. J., Cavaleri, L., Cerovecki, I., Cornuelle, B., Desamsetti, S., Attada, R., Dasari, H. P., Sanchez-Garrido, J., Genevier, L., El Gharamti, M., Gittings, J. & Gokul, E. & 44 others, Gopalakrishnan, G., Guo, D., Hadri, B., Hadwiger, M., Hammoud, M. A., Hendershott, M., Hittawe, M., Karumuri, A., Knio, O., Köhl, A., Kortas, S., Krokos, G., Kunchala, R., Issa, L., Lakkis, I., Langodan, S., Lermusiaux, P., Luong, T., Ma, J., Le Maitre, O., Mazloff, M., El Mohtar, S., Papadopoulos, V. P., Platt, T., Pratt, L., Raboudi, N. M. F., Racault, M.-F., Raitsos, D. E., Razak, S., Sanikommu, S. R., Sathyendranath, S., Sofianos, S., Subramanian, A., Sun, R., Titi, E., Toye, H., Triantafyllou, G., Tsiaras, K., Vasou, P., Viswanadhapalli, Y., Wang, Y., Yao, F., Zhan, P. & Zodiatis, G., Jan 2021, In: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 102, 1, p. E99-E122 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    37 Scopus citations
  • Towards autonomous event identifications in wave-equation traveltime inversion

    chen, F. & Peter, D., Aug 3 2021, In: GEOPHYSICS. p. 1-71 71 p.

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    2 Scopus citations
  • Towards Detecting Red Palm Weevil Using Machine Learning and Fiber Optic Distributed Acoustic Sensing

    Wang, B., Mao, Y., Ashry, I., Al-Fehaid, Y., Al-Shawaf, A., Ng, T. K., Yu, C. & Ooi, B. S., Feb 25 2021, In: Sensors. 21, 5, p. 1592

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    32 Scopus citations
  • Towards Emerging Cubic Spline Patterns with a Mobile Robotics Swarm System

    Khaldi, B., Harrou, F., Cherif, F. & Sun, Y., 2021, In: IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems. p. 1-1 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    5 Scopus citations
  • Toward Spectral and Energy Efficient 5G Networks Using Relayed OFDM With Index Modulation

    Dang, S., Zhou, J., Shihada, B. & Alouini, M.-S., Mar 26 2021, In: Frontiers in Communications and Networks. 2

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    3 Scopus citations
  • Towards self-calibrated lens metrology by differentiable refractive deflectometry

    Wang, C., Chen, N. & Heidrich, W., Sep 2 2021, In: Optics Express. 29, 19, p. 30284-30295 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    17 Scopus citations
  • Towards Similarity-based Differential Diagnostics For Common Diseases

    Slater, L. T., Karwath, A., Williams, J. A., Russell, S., Makepeace, S., Carberry, A., Hoehndorf, R. & Gkoutos, G., Apr 1 2021, In: Computers in Biology and Medicine. p. 104360

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    11 Scopus citations