A detailed characterization of a high pressure experimental apparatus for flame dynamic studies

Francesco Di Sabatino, Deanna Lacoste, William L. Roberts

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

4 Scopus citations


A detailed characterization of a swirl-stabilized premixed flame burner for turbulent flame dynamic studies is carried out. The experimental apparatus is composed by a swirl-stabilized burner of 4.1 kW thermal power, a quartz tube to confine the flame, a hot wire anemometer to measure the velocity and a loudspeaker system for flame transfer function determination. The optical diagnostics comprise a photomultiplier detector to collect CH* chemiluminescence signal and a particle image velocimetry system. A mixture of methane/air with equivalence ratio of 0.68 is considered. The tangential and axial velocity fields and the corresponding swirl number for cold case are determined. The transfer function between velocity oscillations generated by the loudspeaker and the heat release rate oscillations from the flames is also investigated in the lean case. A swirl number equal to 0.39 is evaluated. The evaluated behavior of gain and phase of the flame transfer function are similar to previous studies on this type of flame configuration. All the collected data allow a full characterization of the apparatus and they will be the reference for future high pressure experiments.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publication10th U.S. National Combustion Meeting
PublisherEastern States Section of the Combustion Institute
StatePublished - Jan 1 2017


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