A mechanistic study on templated electrodeposition of one-dimensional TiO2 nanorods and nanotubes using TiOSO4 as a precursor

Gladys Y. Teo, Mary P. Ryan, D. Jason Riley

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12 Scopus citations


One-dimensional (1D) TiO2 nanorods and nanotubes have been successfully synthesized by templated electrodeposition within an anodic aluminium oxide membrane (AAM) using an aqueous precursor containing TiOSO 4. The deposition voltages were found to influence the resultant nanostructure of TiO2. Using a precursor of aqueous TiOSO4 at pH 3 maintained at 10 °C, TiO2 nanorods were electrodeposited in the AAM between applied voltages of - 1.4 V to - 1.0 V (vs. Ag/AgCl), while TiO2 nanotubes were obtained at less negative voltages of - 1.0 V to - 0.3 V (vs. Ag/AgCl). Cyclic voltammetry (CV) revealed that nitrate reduction in the voltage range of - 0.3 V to - 1.4 V played an essential role in the formation of TiO2. The mechanism for TiO2 nanotube formation has been elucidated, paving the way for the future tailoring of metal oxide nanostructures by templated electrodeposition. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)13-16
Number of pages4
JournalElectrochemistry Communications
StatePublished - Oct 2014
Externally publishedYes


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