A New Non-linear Joint Model for RF Energy Harvesters in Wireless Networks

Dokhyl Al Qahtani, Yunfei Chen, Wei Feng, Mohamed-Slim Alouini

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Many previous works have treated the conversion efficiency of an energy harvester as a constant or a non-linear function of input power, ignoring the non-linear effect of the operating frequency. Such assumption may lead to erroneous performance analysis or improper resource allocation. In this paper, a novel model is proposed to capture the non-linearity of the conversion efficiency as a function of the frequency and power. The paper first exploits the practical harvesters in the literature to model the conversion efficiency as a function of frequency at fixed power. Based on the shape of the efficiency curve, two categories of harvesters are referred to as Type-1 and Type-2. The best-fit model for each category is selected based on the adjusted R-square test. Next, these models are extended to jointly consider both power and frequency dependencies. Using these models, the performances of broad-band simultaneous wireless information and power transfer and OFDM hybrid access point are analysed and optimised. Iterative algorithms are used to find low-complexity solutions. Moreover, the impact of the non-linear conversion efficiency on the average battery life in LoRaWAN is analysed. Our results highlight the significant impact of using the joint model of conversion efficiency.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1-1
Number of pages1
JournalIEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking
StatePublished - 2021


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