A Stochastic Geometry Model for Multi-hop Highway Vehicular Communication

Muhammad Junaid Farooq, Hesham Elsawy, Mohamed-Slim Alouini

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86 Scopus citations


Carrier sense multiple access (CSMA) protocol is standardized for vehicular communication to ensure a distributed and efficient communication between vehicles. However, several vehicular applications require efficient multi-hop information dissemination. This paper exploits stochastic geometry to develop a tractable and accurate modeling framework to characterize the multi-hop transmissions for vehicular networks in a multi-lane highway setup. In particular, we study the tradeoffs between per-hop packet forward progress, per-hop transmission success probability, and spatial frequency reuse (SFR) efficiency imposed by different packet forwarding schemes, namely, most forward with fixed radius (MFR), the nearest with forward progress (NFP), and the random with forward progress (RFP). We also define a new performance metric, denoted as the aggregate packet progress (APP), which is a dimensionless quantity that captures the aforementioned tradeoffs. To this end, the developed model reveals the interplay between the spectrum sensing threshold (th) of the CSMA protocol and the packet forwarding scheme. Our results show that, in contrary to ALOHA networks which always favor NFP, MFR may achieve the highest APP in CSMA networks if th is properly chosen.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)2276-2291
Number of pages16
JournalIEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
Issue number3
StatePublished - Nov 20 2015


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