Accurate 3D Localization of Selected Smart Objects in Optical Internet of Underwater Things

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Localization is a fundamental task for optical internet of underwater things (O-IoUT) to enable various applications such as data tagging, routing, navigation, and maintaining link connectivity. The accuracy of the localization techniques for OIoUT greatly relies on the location of the anchors. Therefore, recently localization techniques for O-IoUT which optimize the anchor’s location are proposed. However, optimization of anchors location for all the smart objects in the network is not a useful solution. Indeed, in a network of densely populated smart objects, the data collected by some sensors are more valuable than the data collected from other sensors. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a three-dimensional accurate localization technique by optimizing the anchor’s location for a set of smart objects. Spectral graph partitioning is used to select the set of valuable sensors. Numerical results show that the proposed technique of optimizing anchor’s location for a set of selected sensors provides a better location accuracy.
Original languageEnglish (US)
JournalIEEE Internet of Things Journal
StatePublished - 2019


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