Adaptive Processing for Sequence Alignment

Mohammed A. Zidan (Inventor), Mohamed Talal Bonny (Inventor), Khaled N. Salama (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


Disclosed are various embodiments for adaptive processing for sequence alignment. In one embodiment, among others, a method includes obtaining a query sequence and a plurality of database sequences. A first portion of the plurality of database sequences is distributed to a central processing unit (CPU) and a second portion of the plurality of database sequences is distributed to a graphical processing unit (GPU) based upon a predetermined splitting ratio associated with the plurality of database sequences, where the database sequences of the first portion are shorter than the database sequences of the second portion. A first alignment score for the query sequence is determined with the CPU based upon the first portion of the plurality of database sequences and a second alignment score for the query sequence is determined with the GPU based upon the second portion of the plurality of database sequences.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Patent numberUS9747413B2
StatePublished - Jan 26 2012


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