An accurate closed-form analytical model of single nanoshells for cancer treatment

Mehboob Alam, Yehia Massoud

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

47 Scopus citations


Recently, there has been significant experimental advances in cancer treatment using metallic nanoshells, which are silica spheres coated with gold. Nanoshells posses an excellent tunability of their resonance frequency as a function of the relative sizes of the core and the thickness of the shell, consequently offering much improved sensitivity, specificity, and cost-effectiveness in cancer treatment. In this paper, we develop an accurate analytical closed-form model for the frequency resonance and scattering characteristics of single nanoshells. The new closed-form model will help to intuitively explain the optical properties of the nanoshells. Simulation results show that the new model matches very closely with the exact solution for typical nanoshell configurations used in cancer treatment. The developed model will ultimately allow for the real-time detection, monitoring and treatment of cancer using nanoshells. © 2005 IEEE.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationMidwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems
Number of pages4
StatePublished - Dec 1 2005
Externally publishedYes


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