An Integrated Gene Expression Landscape Profiling Approach to Identify Lung Tumor Endothelial Cell Heterogeneity and Angiogenic Candidates
Jermaine Goveia, Katerina Rohlenova, Federico Taverna, Lucas Treps, Lena Christin Conradi, Andreas Pircher, Vincent Geldhof, Laura P.M.H. de Rooij, Joanna Kalucka, Liliana Sokol, Melissa García-Caballero, Yingfeng Zheng, Junbin Qian, Laure Anne Teuwen, Shawez Khan, Bram Boeckx, Els Wauters, Herbert Decaluwé, Paul De Leyn, Johan VansteenkisteBirgit Weynand, Xavier Sagaert, Erik Verbeken, Albert Wolthuis, Baki Topal, Wouter Everaert, Hanibal Bohnenberger, Alexander Emmert, Dena Panovska, Frederik De Smet, Frank J.T. Staal, Rene J. Mclaughlin, Francis Impens, Vincenzo Lagani, Stefan Vinckier, Massimiliano Mazzone, Luc Schoonjans, Mieke Dewerchin, Guy Eelen, Tobias K. Karakach, Huanming Yang, Jian Wang, Lars Bolund, Lin Lin, Bernard Thienpont, Xuri Li*, Diether Lambrechts, Yonglun Luo, Peter Carmeliet
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