An integrated vision-based approach for efficient human fall detection in a home environment

Fouzi Harrou, Nabil Zerrouki, Ying Sun, Amrane Houacine

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74 Scopus citations


Falls are an important healthcare problem for vulnerable persons like seniors. Response to potential emergencies can be fastened timely detection and classification of falls. This paper addresses the detection of human falls using relevant pixel-based features reflecting variations in body shape. Specifically, the human body is divided into five partitions that correspond to five partial occupancy areas. For each frame, area ratios are calculated and used as input data for fall detection and classification. First, the detection of falls is addressed from a statistical point of view as an anomaly detection problem. Towards this end, an integrated approach merging a detection step with a classification step is proposed for enabling efficient human fall detection in a home environment. In this regard, an effective fall detection approach using generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) scheme is designed. However, a GLR scheme cannot discriminate between true falls and like-fall events, such as lying down. To mitigate this limitation, the support vector machine algorithm has been successfully applied on features of the detected fall to recognize the type of fall. Tests on two publicly available datasets show the effectiveness of the proposed approach to appropriately detecting and identifying falls. Compared with the neural network, k-nearest neighbor, decision tree and naïve Bayes procedures, the two steps approach achieved better detection performance.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)114966-114974
Number of pages9
JournalIEEE Access
StatePublished - Aug 22 2019


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