Apparatus, System, and Method for On-Chip Thermoelectricity Generation

Muhammad Mustafa Hussain (Inventor), Hossain M. Fahad (Inventor), Jhonathan Prieto Rojas (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


An apparatus, system, and method for a thermoelectric generator. In some embodiments, the thermoelectric generator comprises a first thermoelectric region and a second thermoelectric region, where the second thermoelectric region may be coupled to the first thermoelectric region by a first conductor. In some embodiments, a second conductor may be coupled to the first thermoelectric region and a third conductor may be coupled to the second thermoelectric region. In some embodiments, the first conductor may be in a first plane, the first thermoelectric region and the second thermoelectric region may be in a second plane, and the second conductor and the third conductor may be in a third plane.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Patent numberUS9515245B2
StatePublished - Jan 26 2012


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