Assessing the relative importance of flame regimes in Raman/Rayleigh line measurements of turbulent lifted flames

S. Hartl, R. Van Winkle, D. Geyer, A. Dreizler, Gaetano Magnotti, C. Hasse, R.S. Barlow

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22 Scopus citations


Understanding and quantifying the relative importance of premixed and non-premixed reaction zones within turbulent partially premixed flames is an important issue for multi-regime combustion. In the present work, the recently-developed method of gradient-free regime identification (GFRI) is applied to instantaneous 1D Raman/Rayleigh measurements of temperature and major species from two turbulent lifted methane/air flames. Local premixed and non-premixed reaction zones are identified using criteria based on the mixture fraction, the chemical explosive mode, and the heat release rate, the latter two being calculated from an approximation of the full thermochemical state of each measured sample. A chemical mode (CM) zero-crossing is a previously documented marker for a premixed reaction zone. Results from the lifted flames show strong correlations among the mixture fraction at the CM zero-crossing, the magnitude of the change in CM at the zero-crossing, and the local heat release rate at the CM zero-crossing compared to the maximum heat release rate. The trends are confirmed through a comparable analysis of numerical simulations of two laminar triple flames. These newly documented trends are associated with the transition from dominantly premixed flame structures to dominantly non-premixed flames structures. The methods introduced for assessing the relative importance of local premixed and non-premixed reactions zones have potential for application to a broad range of turbulent flames.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)2297-2305
Number of pages9
JournalProceedings of the Combustion Institute
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jul 6 2018


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