Assessment of the stabilization mechanisms of turbulent lifted jet flames at elevated pressure using combined 2-D diagnostics

Thibault Guiberti, Wesley Boyette, Yedhu Krishna, William L. Roberts, Assaad R. Masri, Gaetano Magnotti

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22 Scopus citations


The stabilization mechanisms of turbulent lifted jet flames in a co-flow have been investigated at a pressure of 7 bar. The structure of the flame base was measured with combined OH and CH2O planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) and the spatial distribution of equivalence ratio was imaged, simultaneously, with CH4 Raman scattering. The velocity field was also measured with particle imaging velocimetry (PIV). Different bulk jet velocities Uj and co-flow velocities Uc were examined. Data show that flames with Uc = 0.6 m/s stabilize much further away from the nozzle than those with Uc = 0.3 m/s and that their structure does not resemble that of the edge-flames found closer to the nozzle. In addition, for Uc = 0.6 m/s, the measured lift-off height decreases with increasing bulk jet velocity, which is opposite to what is typically observed for lifted flames. Statistical examination of CH4 Raman images shows that the flames with Uc = 0.6 m/s propagate through regions of the flow where the equivalence ratio is not always stoichiometric but, instead, spans the whole flammability range. This is not consistent with edge-flames and is, instead, indicative of premixed burning. This is corroborated by PIV results which show that the flame base velocity exceeds that typically reported for edge-flames. Measurements of relevant flow properties were also conducted in non-reacting jets to predict the turbulent burning velocity of these lifted flames burning in a premixed mode. For Uc = 0.6 m/s and relatively large bulk jet velocities (Uj = 10 and 15 m/s), the predicted turbulent burning velocities are sufficiently high to counter the incoming flow of reactants and, in turn, allow flame stabilization. However, for a lower bulk jet velocity of Uj = 5 m/s, the predicted turbulent burning velocity is much less, leading to blow-out. This explains why the lift-off height decreases with increasing jet velocity for methane at 7 bar and Uc = 0.6 m/s. Data also shows that increasing pressure promotes transition from edge-flames to premixed flames due to reduced laminar burning velocity and enhanced mixing.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)323-335
Number of pages13
JournalCombustion and Flame
StatePublished - Jan 22 2020


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