Asymptotic Ergodic Capacity Analysis for FSO Communication between Mobile Platforms in Maritime Environments

Jae Eun Han, Sung Sik Nam, Changseok Yoon, Duck Dong Hwang, Mohamed-Slim Alouini

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With the rapid development of wireless communication technologies, free-space optical (FSO) communication has gained much attention in recent years. The FSO technology, which is usually used for communication in terrestrial environments, is expanding its regime to communication in maritime environments. In this study, we analyze the ergodic capacity of FSO communication between mobile platforms in maritime environments under foggy conditions, pathloss, and pointing error. More specifically, based on the moment expressions, we derive the closed-form expression of asymptotic ergodic capacity using conventional detection techniques (i.e., heterodyne and intensity modulation/direct detection). The derived analytical results are cross-verified with simulation results via Monte Carlo simulations. The results show that the combined effects of fog with pathloss and pointing error degrade the FSO performance and that it is important to apply the appropriate detection technique according to the communication environment.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)6978
JournalApplied Sciences
Issue number12
StatePublished - Jun 9 2023


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