Block assembly for global registration of building scans

Feilong Yan, Liangliang Nan, Peter Wonka

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

12 Scopus citations


We propose a framework for global registration of building scans. The first contribution of our work is to detect and use portals (e.g., doors and windows) to improve the local registration between two scans. Our second contribution is an optimization based on a linear integer programming formulation. We abstract each scan as a block and model the blocks registration as an optimization problem that aims at maximizing the overall matching score of the entire scene. We propose an efficient solution to this optimization problem by iteratively detecting and adding local constraints. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on buildings of various styles and that our approach is superior to the current state of the art.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationACM Transactions on Graphics
PublisherAssociation for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Number of pages11
StatePublished - Nov 11 2016

Publication series

NameACM Transactions on Graphics
ISSN (Print)0730-0301


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