Concentrator and locator device of a solute and method for concentrating and locating a solute

Enzo Di Fabrizio (Inventor), Giovanni Cuda (Inventor), F. Mecarini (Inventor), Francesco De Angelis (Inventor), Francesco Gentile (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


Concentrator and locator device (1) of a solute comprising a substrate (2) and a plurality of prismatic lithographic micro-structures (4) orthogonally emerging from the substrate (2). The microstructures (4) are spaced from one another in a periodical manner so as to make such a substrate (2) super-hydrophobic.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Patent numberUS8749777B2
Priority date08/29/08
StatePublished - Jun 10 2014
Externally publishedYes


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