Connexin43 expression in bone marrow derived cells contributes to the electrophysiological properties of cardiac scar tissue

Carolina Vasquez, Valeria Mezzano, Newman Kessler, Freja Swardh, Desiree Ernestad, Vanessa M. Mahoney, John Hanna, Gregory E. Morley

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1 Scopus citations


Cardiac pathologies associated with arrhythmic activity are often accompanied by inflammation. The contribution of inflammatory cells to the electrophysiological properties of injured myocardium is unknown. Myocardial scar cell types and intercellular contacts were analyzed using a three-dimensional reconstruction from serial blockface scanning electron microscopy data. Three distinct cell populations were identified: inflammatory, fibroblastic and endocardial cells. While individual fibroblastic cells interface with a greater number of cells, inflammatory cells have the largest contact area suggesting a role in establishing intercellular electrical connections in scar tissue. Optical mapping was used to study the electrophysiological properties of scars in fetal liver chimeric mice generated using connexin43 knockout donors (bmpKO). Voltage changes were elicited in response to applied current pulses. Isopotential maps showed a steeper pattern of decay with distance from the electrode in scars compared with uninjured regions, suggesting reduced electrical coupling. The tissue decay constant, defined as the distance voltage reaches 37% of the amplitude at the edge of the scar, was 0.48 ± 0.04 mm (n = 11) in the scar of the bmpCTL group and decreased 37.5% in the bmpKO group (n = 10). Together these data demonstrate inflammatory cells significantly contribute to scar electrophysiology through coupling mediated at least partially by connexin43 expression.
Original languageEnglish (US)
JournalScientific Reports
Issue number1
StatePublished - Feb 13 2020
Externally publishedYes


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