Constructing two new crystalline metal–organic frameworks based on a mixed-donor ligand

Xiaofang Wang, Ming Xue, Gang Wu, Ying Pan, Shilun Qiu

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10 Scopus citations


© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All Rights Reserved. The self-assembly of a prominent ligand, 5-(4-(1H-tetrazolyl)phen)isophthalic acid (H3TZPI), with Zn2 +/Cu2 + centres generates two new MOFs, [Zn2(TZPI)(μ3-OH)(H2O)2]·2H2O (JUC-161) and [Cu(HTZPI)(μ2-H2O)0.5(H2O)1.5]·5(H2O) (JUC-162). JUC-161 exhibits fascinating three-dimensional structures containing rectangular channels with dimensions of 6.5 × 3.0 Å2, and JUC-162 displays 3D supramolecular structures with 12.5 × 14.6 Å2 hexagonal channels. The observed structural diversity in these frameworks is due to the two distinct coordinating moieties of the H3TZPI ligand. The photoluminescence of JUC-161 and the magnetic properties of JUC-162 are also measured at room temperature. Photoluminescence investigations reveal that JUC-161 displays a strong main emission spectrum peak at 388 nm. JUC-162 is found to exhibit an antiferromagnetic interaction between Cu2 + ions.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)31-34
Number of pages4
JournalInorganic Chemistry Communications
StatePublished - Feb 2016
Externally publishedYes


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