Cyclodextrins: Structural, Chemical, and Physical Properties, and Applications

Benjamin Gabriel Poulson, Qana Alsulami, Abeer Sharfalddin, Emam El Agammy, Fouzi Mouffouk, Abdul-Hamid M. Emwas, Lukasz Jaremko, Mariusz Jaremko

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

141 Scopus citations


Due to their unique structural, physical and chemical properties, cyclodextrins and their derivatives have been of great interest to scientists and researchers in both academia and industry for over a century. Many of the industrial applications of cyclodextrins have arisen from their ability to encapsulate, either partially or fully, other molecules, especially organic compounds. Cyclodextrins are non-toxic oligopolymers of glucose that help to increase the solubility of organic compounds with poor aqueous solubility, can mask odors from foul-smelling compounds, and have been widely studied in the area of drug delivery. In this review, we explore the structural and chemical properties of cyclodextrins that give rise to this encapsulation (i.e., the formation of inclusion complexes) ability. This review is unique from others written on this subject because it provides powerful insights into factors that affect cyclodextrin encapsulation. It also examines these insights in great detail. Later, we provide an overview of some industrial applications of cyclodextrins, while emphasizing the role of encapsulation in these applications. We strongly believe that cyclodextrins will continue to garner interest from scientists for many years to come, and that novel applications of cyclodextrins have yet to be discovered
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1-31
Number of pages31
Issue number1
Early online dateDec 28 2021
StatePublished - 2022


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