Design of direct solar PV driven air conditioner

Bin-Juine Huang, Tung-Fu Hou, Po-Chien Hsu, Tse-Han Lin, Yan-Tze Chen, Chi-Wen Chen, Kang Li, K.Y. Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

63 Scopus citations


© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. Solar air conditioning system directly driven by stand-alone solar PV is studied. The air conditioning system will suffer from loss of power if the solar PV power generation is not high enough. It requires a proper system design to match the power consumption of air conditioning system with a proper PV size. Six solar air conditioners with different sizes of PV panel and air conditioners were built and tested outdoors to experimentally investigate the running probabilities of air conditioning at various solar irradiations. It is shown that the instantaneous operation probability (OPB) and the runtime fraction (RF) of the air conditioner are mainly affected by the design parameter rpL (ratio of maximum PV power to load power). The measured OPB is found to be greater than 0.98 at instantaneous solar irradiation IT > 600 W m-2 if rpL > 1.71 RF approaches 1.0 (the air conditioner is run in 100% with solar power) at daily-total solar radiation higher than 13 MJ m-2 day-1, if rpL > 3.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)95-101
Number of pages7
JournalRenewable Energy
StatePublished - Dec 5 2015
Externally publishedYes


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