Design of intense nanoscale stray fields and gradients at magnetic nanorod interfaces

Yurii P. Ivanov, Jonathan Leliaert, Adrian Crespo, Matteo Pancaldi, Christopher Tollan, Jürgen Kosel, Andrey Chuvilin, Paolo Vavassori

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7 Scopus citations


We explore electrodeposited ordered arrays of Fe, Ni and Co nanorods embedded in anodic alumina membranes as a source of intense magnetic stray field gradients localized at the nanoscale. We perform a multiscale characterization of the stray fields using a combination of experimental methods (Magneto-optical Kerr effect, Virtual Bright Field Differential Phase Contrast Imaging) and micromagnetic simulations, and establish a clear correlation between the stray fields and the magnetic configurations of the nanorods. For uniformly magnetized Fe and Ni wires the field gradients vary following saturation magnetization of corresponding metal and the diameter of the wires. In the case of Co nanorods, very localized (~10 nm) and intense (> 1T) stray field sources are associated with the cores of magnetic vortexes. Confinement of that strong field at extremely small dimensions leads to exceptionally high field gradients up to 108 T/m. These results demonstrate a clear path to design and fine-tune nanoscale magnetic stray field ordered patterns with a broad applicability in key nanotechnologies, such as nanomedicine, nanobiology, nanoplasmonics and sensors.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)4678-4685
Number of pages8
JournalACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Issue number4
StatePublished - Jan 4 2019


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