Development of porous burner technology for ultra lean combustion

S. Afsharvahid, P. V. Lanspeary, B. Dally, F. Christo

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


The porous burner (PB) technology has so far proven to have many advantages over conventional burners with respect to reduced emissions of combustion-related pollutants (NOx and CO), wider flammability limits and increased thermal efficiency. One of the most attractive features of PB is the ability to burn fuel-air mixtures over a wider flammability limits than in conventional burners. For example, the lower flammability limit for a methane-air is 4%, while in the PB used in this study, it was aimed to achieve a concentration of ∼ 1 vol %. The effect of material characteristics and operating conditions on the stability and emissions of ultra lean flames stabilized in a porous medium was studied. The PB includes a fuel distributor, which is inserted in the middle of flint clay layer that supply the fuel (CNG). Preliminary measurements indicated a reasonably uniform temperature distribution of the gases at the inlet of the PB. A CNG/air flame at equivalence ratio of 0.4:1 and flow rate of 230 L/m stabilized at an axial distance of 100 mm downstream of the fuel inelt. The maximum temperature measured was 1200°C. Original is an abstract.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationInternational Symposium on Combustion Abstracts of Works-in-Progress Posters
StatePublished - Dec 1 2002
Externally publishedYes


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