Device for obtaining three-dimensional cell cultures, method for the implementation thereof, and use of such device.

Enzo Di Fabrizio (Inventor), Tania Limongi (Inventor), Francesco Gentile (Inventor), Roberto Marotta (Inventor), Fabio Benfenati (Inventor), Fabrizia. Cesca (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A device for obtaining three-dimensional cell cultures comprises: a substrate (1); and a plurality of micro-structures (2) which protrude from the surface of the substrate (1) and are arranged on such substrate (1) according to a periodical grid so as to make the substrate (1) super hydrophobic. The device is characterized in that the micro-structures (2) have side walls at least partially nano-patterned and have projections (14) and recesses (16) alternated with a predetd. distance. Each micro-structure (2) comprises a silicon core, a biocompatible coating, and possibly an adhesion layer for said biocompatible coating, applied to the surface of the substrate. A method for producing the device is also presented. [on SciFinder(R)]
Original languageEnglish (US)
Patent numberWO2013156941A1
StatePublished - Oct 24 2013
Externally publishedYes


  • super hydrophobic microstructure device three dime


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