Exploring low temperature oxidation of 1-butene in jet-stirred reactors

Bingjie Chen, Bogdan Dragos Ilies, Weiye Chen, Qiang Xu, Yang Li, Lili Xing, Jiuzhong Yang, Lixia Wei, Nils Hansen, Heinz Pitsch, Mani Sarathy, Zhandong Wang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

17 Scopus citations


1-butene is an important intermediate in combustion of various hydrocarbon fuels and oxygenated biofuels (e.g., butanol). Understanding its oxidation chemistry can help improve ignition and combustion process in advanced engines and provide better emission control. This work addresses a discrepancy between experiments and simulations in 1-butene oxidation at low temperatures, wherein simulations with AramcoMech 3.0 model show greater fuel reactivity than experiments. To further explore 1-butene low temperature reaction pathways from 550 to 910 K, experiments were conducted in three jet-stirred reactors: two coupled to time-of-flight molecular beam mass spectrometers with synchrotron vacuum ultraviolet radiation as the photoionization source, and one coupled to gas chromatography mass spectrometer. Isomeric structure identification, comprehensive species datasets, and reactor cross examinations are provided by the combination of three experiments. The identified isomer-resolved species provide evidence of various 1-butene low temperature reaction pathways. For example, the identification of propanal confirms the Waddington reaction pathway. The kinetic model over-predicts fuel reactivity in the low temperature regime (550–700 K). Updating the rate coefficients of key reactions in the Waddington pathways, e.g., forward and reverse isomerization of hydroxyl-butyl-peroxide to butoxyl-peroxide and Waddington decomposition of butoxyl-peroxide reduces the discrepancies. The role of rate constant updates in each step of the Waddington pathway is evaluated and discussed to provide directions for future model development.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)259-271
Number of pages13
JournalCombustion and Flame
StatePublished - Sep 10 2020


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