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Metabolic rates and tissue composition of the coral Pocillopora verrucosa over 12 latitudes in the Red Sea characterized by strong temperature and nutrient gradient, supplement to: Sawall, Yvonne; Al-Sofyani, A; Hohn, S; Banguera-Hinestroza, E; Voolstra, C
Sawall, Y. (Creator), Al-Sofyani, A. (Creator), Hohn, S. (Creator), Banguera-Hinestroza, E. (Creator), Voolstra, C. R. (Creator), Wahl, M. (Creator), Sawall, Y. (Creator), Al-Sofyani, A. (Creator), Hohn, S. (Creator), Banguera-Hinestroza, E. (Creator) & Wahl, M. (Creator), PANGAEA - Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science, 2015
DOI: 10.1594/PANGAEA.841401,