Federated machine-learning system, client device and method for federated machine-learning

Kevin J Liang (Inventor), Nikhil Mehta (Inventor), Wei-Tuo Hao (Inventor), Jungwon Lee (Inventor), Carin Lawrence (Inventor), Mostafa El-Khamy (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A federated machine-learning system includes a global server and client devices. The server receives updates of weight factor dictionaries and factor strengths vectors from the clients, and generates a globally updated weight factor dictionary and a globally updated factor strengths vector. A client device selects a group of parameters from a global group of parameters, and trains a model using a dataset of the client device and the group of selected parameters. The client device sends to the server a client-updated weight factor dictionary and a client-updated factor strengths vector. The client device receives the globally updated weight factor dictionary and the globally updated factor strengths vector, and retrains the model using the dataset of the client device, the group of parameters selected by the client device, and the globally updated weight factor dictionary and the globally updated factor strengths vector.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Patent numberTW202147130
IPCG06F 17/ 16 A I
Priority date01/13/21
StatePublished - Dec 16 2021


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