Fingerprint-to-CH stretch continuously tunable high spectral resolution Stimulated Raman Scattering microscope

Siarhei Laptenok, Vijayakumar Palanisamy Rajamanickam, Luca Genchi, Tual Monfort, Yeonwoo Lee, Imran Patel, Andrea Bertoncini, Carlo Liberale

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30 Scopus citations


Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) microscopy is a label-free method generating images based on chemical contrast within samples, and has already shown its great potential for high-sensitivity and fast imaging of biological specimens. The capability of SRS to collect molecular vibrational signatures in bio-samples, coupled with the availability of powerful statistical analysis methods, allows quantitative chemical imaging of live cells with sub-cellular resolution. This application has substantially driven the development of new SRS microscopy platforms. Indeed, in recent years, there has been a constant effort on devising configurations able to rapidly collect Raman spectra from samples over a wide vibrational spectral range, as needed for quantitative analysis by using chemometric methods. In this paper an SRS microscope which exploits spectral shaping by a narrowband and rapidly tunable Acousto Optical Tunable Filter (AOTF) is presented. This microscope enables spectral scanning from the Raman fingerprint region to the CH-stretch region without any modification of the optical setup. Moreover, it features also a high enough spectral resolution to allow resolving Raman peaks in the crowded fingerprint region. Finally, application of the developed SRS microscope to broadband hyperspectral imaging of biological samples over a large spectral range from 800 cm-1 till 3600 cm-1 , is demonstrated. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Original languageEnglish (US)
JournalJournal of Biophotonics
Issue number9
StatePublished - Jun 14 2019


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