Flexible Hall sensor made of laser-scribed graphene

Altynay Kaidarova, Wenhao Liu, Liam Swanepoel, Abdullah S. Almansouri, Nathan Geraldi, Carlos M. Duarte, Jürgen Kosel

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

22 Scopus citations


Graphene has shown considerable potential for sensing magnetic fields based on the Hall Effect, due to its high carrier mobility, low sheet carrier density, and low-temperature dependence. However, the cost of graphene in comparison to conventional materials has meant that its uptake in electronic manufacturing has been slow. To lower technological barriers and bring more widespread adoption of graphene Hall sensors, we are using a one-step laser scribing process that does not rely on multiple steps, toxic chemicals, and subsequent treatments. Laser-scribed graphene Hall sensors offer a linear response to magnetic fields with a normalized sensitivity of ~1.12 V/AT. They also exhibit a low constant noise voltage floor of ~ 50 nV/Hz−−−√ for a bias current of 100 µA at room temperature, which is comparable with state-of-the-art low-noise Hall sensors. The sensors combine a high bendability, come with high robustness and operating temperatures up to 400 °C. They enable device ideas in various areas, for instance, soft robotics. As an example, we combined a laser-scribed graphene sensor with a deformable elastomer and flexible magnet to realize low-cost, compliant, and customizable tactile sensors.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Journalnpj Flexible Electronics
Issue number1
StatePublished - Feb 15 2021


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