Nabil Elnozahy Elmootazbellah (Inventor), Lynn Hanson Heather (Inventor), Lyle Peterson James (Inventor), Leigh Rawson, Iii Freeman (Inventor), Scott Ware Malcolm (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A method, system, and computer usable program product for a framework for scheduling tasks in a multi-core processor or multiprocessor system are provided in the illustrative embodiments. A thread is selected according to an order in a scheduling discipline, the thread being a thread of an application executing in the data processing system, the thread forming the leader thread in a bundle of threads. A value of a core attribute in a set of core attributes is determined according to a corresponding thread attribute in a set of thread attributes associated with the leader thread. A determination is made whether a second thread can be added to the bundle such that the bundle including the second thread will satisfy a policy. If the determining is affirmative, the second thread is added to the bundle. The bundle is scheduled for execution using a core of the multi-core processor.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Patent numberUS2011296423
IPCG06F 9/ 46 A I
Priority date05/27/10
StatePublished - Dec 1 2011
Externally publishedYes


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