Fullerol ionic fluids

Nikhil Fernandes, Panagiotis Dallas, Robert Rodriguez, Athanasios B. Bourlinos, Vasilios Georgakilas, Emmanuel P. Giannelis

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

40 Scopus citations


We report for the first time an ionic fluid based on hydroxylated fullerenes (fullerols). The ionic fluid was synthesized by neutralizing the fully protonated fullerol with an amine terminated polyethylene/polypropylene oxide oligomer (Jeffamine®). The ionic fluid was compared to a control synthesized by mixing the partially protonated form (sodium form) of the fullerols with the same oligomeric amine in the same ratio as in the ionic fluids (20 wt% fullerol). In the fullerol fluid the ionic bonding significantly perturbs the thermal transitions and melting/crystallization behavior of the amine. In contrast, both the normalized heat of fusion and crystallization of the amine in the control are similar to those of the neat amine consistent with a physical mixture of the fullerols/amine with minimal interactions. In addition to differences in thermal behavior, the fullerol ionic fluid exhibits a complex viscoelastic behavior intermediate between the neat Jeffamine® (liquid-like) and the control (solid-like). © 2010 The Royal Society of Chemistry.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1653
Issue number9
StatePublished - 2010
Externally publishedYes


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