Germanium-enriched double-four-membered-ring units inducing zeolite-confined subnanometric Pt clusters for efficient propane dehydrogenation

Yue Ma, Shaojia Song, Changcheng Liu, Lingmei Liu, Longkang Zhang, Yuhong Zhao, Xin Wang, Hao Xu, Yejun Guan, Jingang Jiang, Weiyu Song, Yu Han, Jiangwei Zhang, Peng Wu

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70 Scopus citations


It is a great challenge to regulate the precise placement of confined metal species and assemble specific structures at the atomic level. Here we report the design and synthesis of a durable supported-metal-cluster catalyst, Pt@Ge-UTL, that features subnanometric Pt clusters encapsulated inside the extra-large pores of a stabilized UTL-type germanosilicate. Integrated differential phase contrast scanning transmission electron microscopy, in situ X-ray absorption fine structure, 19F magic-angle-spinning NMR, full-range synchrotron pair distribution function G(r) analysis and density functional theory calculations revealed that Pt clusters with an average of four atoms are firmly segregated within 14-membered-ring channels. This is achieved by selectively and directionally anchoring Pt, via Pt–O–Ge bonding, to the UTL zeolite’s unique secondary building units that feature a double-four-membered-ring (d4r) configuration and a Ge-enriched composition. The host–guest bimetallic structure (Pt4-Ge2-d4r@UTL) promotes propane dehydrogenation with high activity, high propylene selectivity and long-term stability. This research demonstrates the use of germanosilicates in the designed synthesis of high-performance propane dehydrogenation catalysts.
Original languageEnglish (US)
JournalNature Catalysis
StatePublished - Jun 12 2023


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