High-Speed Imaging of Turbulent Nonpremixed Syngas Flames at Elevated Pressures

W. R. Boyette, T.F. Guiberti, Ayman M. Elbaz, William L. Roberts

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Despite the success of the Turbulent Nonpremixed Flames Workshop, a noticeable lack of data at elevated pressures persists. A high pressure rig has been used to explore turbulent nonpremixed syngas flames at elevated pressures and very high Reynolds numbers. Composite images of the flames reveal small changes in flame height that are in agreement with previous empirical correlations. OH-PLIF images are used to visualize the flame structure, revealing an OH layer that gets progressively thinner as pressure increases. A corrugation factor is defined and used to show that flame front corrugation is influenced by increases in Reynolds number, but not pressure.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationProceeding of THMT-18. Turbulence Heat and Mass Transfer 9 Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium On Turbulence Heat and Mass Transfer
ISBN (Print)9781567004687
StatePublished - 2018


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