High-temperature mid-IR absorption spectra and reaction kinetics of 1,3-dioxolane

Mohammad Adil, Binod Giri, Tam V. -T. Mai, Milán Szőri, Lam K. Huynh, Aamir Farooq

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Scopus citations


Cyclic saturated ethers are proposed as alternative fuels for future sustainability. In particular, dioxolanes have been identified as promising biofuel candidates. However, pyrolysis and oxidation of dioxolanes are not well understood. In this work, we measured the temperature-dependent absorption cross-section of 1,3-dioxolane (13DO) in the mid-IR region over 8.4 – 10.5 μm (950 –1190 cm−1). We applied the spectroscopic knowledge to investigate the temperature and pressure dependence of the rate coefficients of the unimolecular decomposition of 13DO over the temperature range of 1000–1400 K and pressures near 0.7 and 2.4 bar. We employed a rapidly tuning MIRcat-QT™ laser in conjugation with a shock tube to carry out high-temperature spectroscopic and pyrolysis measurements. Measured IR spectra of 13DO exhibited a strong temperature dependence. For the kinetic study, we employed the vibrational feature of 13DO near 1120.5 cm−1 to monitor the decay of 13DO quantitatively. The measured rate coefficients did not show any discernible pressure dependence. This indicates that the rate coefficients of the unimolecular decomposition of 13DO are close to the high-pressure limit under the present experimental conditions. In addition, we rationalized the temperature and pressure dependence of the reaction by employing electronic structure/RRKM-ME calculations. Our theoretical model accurately captured the experimental trends of the rate coefficients of the unimolecular decomposition of 13DO.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)621-631
Number of pages11
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jun 7 2023


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