Homogenization via formal multiscale asymptotics and volume averaging: How do the two techniques compare?

Yohan Davit, Christopher G. Bell, Helen M. Byrne, Lloyd A.C. Chapman, Laura S. Kimpton, Georgina E. Lang, Katherine H.L. Leonard, James M. Oliver, Natalie C. Pearson, Rebecca J. Shipley, Sarah L. Waters, Jonathan P. Whiteley, Brian D. Wood, Michel Quintard

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

128 Scopus citations


A wide variety of techniques have been developed to homogenize transport equations in multiscale and multiphase systems. This has yielded a rich and diverse field, but has also resulted in the emergence of isolated scientific communities and disconnected bodies of literature. Here, our goal is to bridge the gap between formal multiscale asymptotics and the volume averaging theory. We illustrate the methodologies via a simple example application describing a parabolic transport problem and, in so doing, compare their respective advantages/disadvantages from a practical point of view. This paper is also intended as a pedagogical guide and may be viewed as a tutorial for graduate students as we provide historical context, detail subtle points with great care, and reference many fundamental works. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)178-206
Number of pages29
JournalAdvances in Water Resources
StatePublished - Dec 2013
Externally publishedYes


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