Impacts of fracture properties on the formation and development of stimulated reservoir volume: A global sensitivity analysis

Weiwei Zhu, Xupeng He, Yiteng Li, Gang Lei, Ryan Santoso, Moran Wang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

12 Scopus citations


Stimulated reservoir volume (SRV), the highly permeable fracture network created by hydraulic fracturing, is essential for fluid production from low-permeable reservoirs. However, the configuration of SRV and its impacting factors are largely unknown. In this work, we adopt the stochastic discrete fracture network method to mimic natural fractures in subsurface formations and conduct a global sensitivity analysis with the Sobol method. The sensitivity of different fracture properties, including geometrical properties (fracture lengths, orientations, and center positions), mechanical properties (fracture roughness and fracture strength), fracture sealing properties (probabilities of open fractures and segment lengths), and the fracture intensity, are investigated in two and three-dimensional fracture networks. JRC-JCS model is adopted to identify critically stressed fractures. We find that critically stressed fractures compose the backbone of SRV, while partially open fractures can significantly enlarge the size of SRV by connecting more critically orientated fractures. The fracture roughness is the most influential factor for the total length (area) of critically stressed fractures. For the relative increase of SRV (RI) in 2D/3D fracture networks, the probability of open fractures is the most significant factor. The fracture lengths and center positions are essential factors for RI in 2D fracture networks but insignificant in 3D fracture networks. This work provides a realistic scenario of the subsurface structure and systematically investigates the influential factors of SRV, which is useful for estimating the size of SRV and predicting shale gas reservoirs’ production in an accurate and physically meaningful way.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)110852
JournalJournal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
StatePublished - Jul 15 2022

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
  • Fuel Technology


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