Improved Amott Cell Procedure for Predictive Modeling of Oil Recovery Dynamics from Mixed-Wet Carbonates

Ksenia Kaprielova, Maxim Yutkin, Ahmed Gmira, Subhash Ayirala, Clayton Radke, Tadeusz Patzek

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

2 Scopus citations


Spontaneous counter-current imbibition in Amott cell experiments is a convenient laboratory method of studying oil recovery from oil-saturated rock samples in secondary or tertiary oil recovery by waterflood of adjustable composition. Classical Amott cell experiment estimates ultimate oil recovery. It is not designed, however, for studying the dynamics of oil recovery. In this work we identify a flaw in the classical Amott cell imbibition experiments that hinders the development of predictive recovery models for mixed-wet carbonates. We revise the standard Amott procedure in order to produce smoother experimental production curves, which then can be described by a mathematical model more accurately. We apply Generalized Extreme Value distribution to model the cumulative oil production. We start with the Amott imbibition experiments and scaling analysis for Indiana limestone core plugs saturated with mineral oil. The knowledge gained from this study will allow us to develop a predictive model of water-oil displacement for reservoir carbonate rock and crude oil recovery systems.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationDay 1 Mon, April 25, 2022
StatePublished - Apr 18 2022


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