Influence of annealing time on random lasing from ZnO nanorods

M. N. Nordin, M. M. Halim, M. R. Hashim, M. K. Shakfa, W. Maryam

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

13 Scopus citations


Highly stabile single mode and multi-mode random lasing emissions were observed from ZnO nanorods array prepared on glass substrates using chemical deposition technique. By varying the post-growth-annealing time, nanorod diameters between 54 and 78 nm with population densities between 75 and 95 nanorods/µm2 were obtained. Depending on the population density and diameter of the nanorods, single, double and triple random lasing emissions were observed with lowest threshold of 209 mJ/cm2. Furthermore, the lasing threshold showed an obvious dependency on the nanorods density. The lasing emission maintained its wavelength with increasing pump power, indicating high stability of the lasing mode(s).
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)102955
JournalResults in Physics
StatePublished - Jan 21 2020


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