Influence of substituents in terephthalate linker on the structure of mofs obtained from presynthesized heterometallic complex

Marina Barsukova, Evgeny Dudko, Denis Samsonenko, Konstantin Kovalenko, Alexey Ryadun, Aleksandr Sapianik*, Vladimir Fedin

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    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    1 Scopus citations


    The synthesis of new porous materials with desired properties is a challenging task. It becomes especially difficult if you need to combine several metals in one framework to obtain a heterometallic node. The use of presynthesized complexes for obtaining of new heterometallic metal–organic frameworks could be essential to solve the problem of tailored synthesis. In our study we use presynthesized heterometallic pivalate complex [Li2Zn2 (piv)6 (py)2 ] to obtain new MOFs with heterometallic core as a node of the framework. We are managed to obtain four new heterometallic MOFs: [H2N(CH3 )2 ]2 [Li2Zn2(bdc)4 ]·CH3CN·DMF (1), [Li2Zn2 (H2Br2-bdc)(Br2-bdc)3 ]·2DMF (2), [H2N(CH3 )2 ][LiZn2 (ndc)3 ]·CH3CN (3) and [{Li2Zn2 (dmf)(py)2 }{LiZn(dmf)2 }2 (NO2-bdc)6 ]·5DMF (4). Moreover three of them contain starting tetranuclear core {Li2Zn2 } and saves its geometry. We also demonstrate the influence of substituent in terephthalate ring on preservation of tetranuclear core. For compound 1 it was shown that luminescence of the framework could be quenched when nitrobenzene is included in the pores.

    Original languageEnglish (US)
    Article number4
    Pages (from-to)1-15
    Number of pages15
    Issue number1
    StatePublished - Jan 2021


    • Heterometallic complexes
    • Luminescence
    • Metal–organic frameworks

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Inorganic Chemistry


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