Methane and n-hexane ignition in a newly developed diaphragmless shock tube

Janardhanraj Subburaj, Touqeer Anwar Kashif, Aamir Farooq

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Scopus citations


Shock tubes have been routinely used to generate reliable chemical kinetic data for gas-phase chemistry. The conventional diaphragm-rupture mode for shock tube operation presents many challenges that may ultimately affect the quality of chemical kinetics data. Numerous diaphragmless concepts have been developed to overcome the drawbacks of using diaphragms. Most of these diaphragmless designs require significant alterations in the driver section of the shock tube and, in some cases, fail to match the performance of the diaphragm-mode of operation. In the present work, an existing diaphragm-type shock tube is retrofitted with a fast-acting valve, and the performance of the diaphragmless shock tube is evaluated for investigating the ignition of methane and n-hexane. The diaphragmless shock tube reported here presents many advantages, such as eliminating the use of diaphragms, avoiding substantial manual effort during experiments, automating the shock tube facility, having good control over driver conditions, and obtaining good repeatability for reliable gas-phase chemical kinetic studies. Ignition delay time measurements have been performed in the diaphragmless shock tube for three methane mixtures and two n-hexane mixtures at P5 = 10–20 bar and T5 = 738–1537 K. The results obtained for fuel-rich, fuel-lean, and oxygen-rich (undiluted) mixtures show very good agreement with previously reported experimental data and literature kinetic models (AramcoMech 3.0 [1] for methane and Zhang et al. mechanism [2] for n-hexane). The study presents an easy and simple method to upgrade conventional shock tubes to a diaphragmless mode of operation and opens new possibilities for reliable chemical kinetics investigations.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)112818
JournalCombustion and Flame
StatePublished - May 3 2023

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Energy Engineering and Power Technology
  • General Physics and Astronomy
  • General Chemical Engineering
  • General Chemistry
  • Fuel Technology


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