Method and system in a computer network for the reliable and consistent ordering of client requests

Nabil Elnozahy Elmootazbellah (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A method and system for reliably and consistently delivering client requests in a computer network having at least one client connectable to one or more servers among a group of servers, wherein each server among the group of servers replicates a particular network service to ensure that the particular network service remains uninterrupted in the event of a server failure. A particular server is designated among the group of servers to manage client requests which seek to update a particular network service state, prior to any receipt of a client request which seeks to update the particular network service state by any remaining servers among the group of servers. Thereafter, an executable order is specified in which client requests which seek to update the particular network service state are processed among the remaining servers, such that the executable order, upon execution, sequences the client request which seeks to update the particular network service state with respect to all prior and subsequent client requests. The executable order and the client request which seeks to update the particular network service state are automatically transferred to the remaining servers from the particular server, in response to initiating the client request. Thereafter, the client request which seeks to update the particular network service state is processed in a tentative mode at the particular server without waiting for the executable order to be executed through to completion among the remaining servers.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Patent numberUS6178441
IPCH04L 29/ 08 A I
Priority date09/21/98
StatePublished - Jan 23 2001
Externally publishedYes


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