Nano-structuring of isotactic polypropylene in presence of a self-assembling nucleating agent under defined flow conditions

Luigi Balzano, Sanjay Rastogi, Gerrit Peters

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

2 Scopus citations


Additives play an important role in physical properties of polymers. One of the most frequently used additives for isotactic polypropylene (iPP) is Bis 3,4-dimethylbenzylidene sorbitol (DMDBS). iPP and DMDBS together form a binary mixture with a monotectic phase diagram. Homogeneous dissolution of DMDBS in iPP at reasonable temperatures is possible only in a limited range of low concentrations. Upon cooling, the nucleating agent first crystallizes forming nanofibrils which are an excellent substrate for heterogeneous crystallization of iPP. Consequence to it, nucleation density is very high thus forming crystals smaller than wavelength of light resulting into a translucent material. In this paper we explore structural development during crystallization of the binary system iPP-DMDBS under defined flow conditions.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publication2006 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show - NSTI Nanotech 2006 Technical Proceedings
Number of pages4
StatePublished - Dec 8 2006


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